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The best of the Bank in lao PDR 2014

Banks trade his award ...

     Over the past 25 years, the Bank of Foreign Trade has progressively contribute to the development of the country, many have followed guidance from above in a joint venture with Bank Investment and Development of Vietnam served working service bank with the cooperation advanced two of the operations previously said that banks trade his outstanding achievements in contributing to cooperation in economy, trade and investment between 2 Laos - Vietnam received medal labor class III under Decree No. 27 / PDR, dated 26 May 2004 the medal labor class II by Decree 335 / Lao plong 28 / 12/2007 in contributing to the preservation and development of the nation 30 anniversary 1975-2005 The medal labor class II In cooperation Lao - Vietnam anniversary establish joint bank his business - Vietnam 10th anniversary 22/06/1999 - 22/06/2009 in the 20th anniversary year of transformation business BCEL the medal Issara class III one unit.                 

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