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Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCEL) - Modern Quick Reliable

BCEL established in 1975 is one of the biggest state-owned commercial bank in Lao PDR, with the stability and transparency in banking services. The Bank not only has various branches and service units throughout the country, but also being a leader in using innovative technology systems such as ATMs, deposit machines, mobile and internet banking services which allow our customers access our services 24/7.We are ready to fulfill your needs and be part of your growth with our modern services. Thank you for your trust.


    BCEL was established while Lao People's Democratic Republic declared independence on December 2nd, 1975 and starts our business since the year 1975 till the present. From 1975 to 1989, BCEL had played a special role as a branch of the formerly State Bank (Central Bank) of the Lao PDR and was officially assigned as the only one to be able dealing with any international banking activities. In addition, BCEL was also assigned to manage grants and loans were offered by foreign countries and international organizations to the Lao government. 

  • Since  November  1st, 1989 BCEL has been officially transformed into the state-owned commercial bank in all aspects under the Law of the Central Bank and the Decree on the Administration of Commercial Banks. In particular, the bank had changed from the state administration to the business management that its performance will be evaluated based on the growth of revenues. Until January 11th,2010 BCEL has gone public and become the first listed company in the Lao Stock Exchange in that its maturity shareholder is Ministry of Finance (MOF), holding 70% while the minority shareholders include 5% employees, 10% business partners and 15% others.

  • BCEL public performs its business mainly under the administration of BOL and MOF. The main objectives are to benefit our customers and support the economic policy of the Government by improving, developing, modernizing and expanding its services domestically as well as internationally. In the present, BCEL public provides various banking services including deposits, loans, Letter of Credit, Letter of Guarantee, settlements, foreign exchange, ATM/debit and credit cards, mobile and internet banking and etc. Moreover, the current growth of BCEL public also includes 20 branches, 95 service units, 10 exchange units and over 100 correspondent banks around the world.

    Furthermore, the bank has cooperated with Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) establishing Lao-Viet bank (LVB) on June 22nd, 1999 Lao-Viet Insurance (LVI) Company in 2008 and then BCEL public continues to grow the business by joining with BRED Bank from France to found Banque Franco-Lao (BFL) in 2010 and the year later 2011 KTZMICO from Thailand to establish BCEL-KT Securities Company Limited. In 2014, BCEL has cooperated with Fudian Bank to found Lao-China Bank (LCNB)

  • 01 January 2025 International New Year
    10 March 2025 Substitute holiday for international Women's Day
    14-16 April 2025 Lao New Year
    01 May 2025 International Labour Day
    21 July 2025 Substitute holiday for Lao Women Union's Day
    02 December 2025 National Day of the Lao PDR
BCEL calendar 2025